Tax Exemption Form
Important: Before submitting an exemption, please make sure you have an aspectLED account. An account is necessary to process your exemption application.
Please upload your tax exemption form and provide the following information. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for us to set up tax exempt status; however, if you have an issue, please email us at [email protected]
Sales Tax Exemption Certificates FAQ
Most jurisdictions require businesses to collect sales tax on “taxable sales” if the company has “economic nexus” in that state. aspectLED meets the nexus requirements in most states and is therefore required to collect tax unless an exemption certificate is provided.
aspectLED will be required to collect sales tax on your purchases and remit the tax to your state if a tax exemption is not provided.
If you aren't sure if the certificate was received, please resend it to [email protected].
Some states have several sales tax exemption certificate forms. Please confirm that you are using the appropriate form through a web search and/or by consulting your tax advisor. The following link may be helpful: A State-by-State Guide to Exemption Certificates.
Sales tax collection is based on the address that you are shipping to. The tax collected will be based on the ship-to location's tax requirements. To avoid being charged tax, you need to have a tax exemption certificate on file for the state you are shipping to.
Name of seller: aspectLED
Seller’s address: 4900 Constellation Drive, White Bear Lake, MN 55127
If tax is still showing on your order, please make sure you are logged in to your account. If shipping to a state that is not listed on your tax exemption, please refer to question #5.
Once you’ve received your order confirmation, please send an email to [email protected] with ‘Sales Tax Exemption Request’ in the subject line along with the following information:
- Company or organization name
- Order number
- Email address used for the order
Attach a scanned copy of a state resale certificate, an exemption certificate, or other acceptable proof of your exempt status in the state to which the items will be shipped.
After your documents have been processed and accepted, you will receive a refund in the amount of the tax charged.
Important: You will need to contact us after placing each order to ensure that you are refunded any tax charged on your purchase.